Partner with us
How can you partner with us?
- Please pray for God's protection, provision and leading for our team as we call people to pray.
- Please invite your friends to partner in prayer & evangelism. Send them an invitation via Facebook.
- Donate to help us raise and equip followers of Jesus.
“Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20
Partner in prayer & evangelism
PIPES: Partners in Prayer & Evangelism Inc has only one call. We equip the body of Christ to pray for evangelism in their neighbourhood, regions and nations as part of an ongoing canopy of 24/7 night and day prayer praise and worship. We see evangelism as an overflow of how God has blessed us and so call upon the followers of Jesus to do what he asked – and show our love for our neighbours by sharing the good news of Jesus with them - so they can live in his kingdom, his abundant and eternal life.
To facilitate this we have launched this online House of Prayer for All Nations: which includes prayer for local neighbourhoods, regions and nations. The calendar and map on this site will connect prayer groups and prayer focus ongoing 24/7 all year. It incorporates our previous campaigns - Pray for Melbourne, Pray for Australia and 40 Day Prayer Relay. If you registered for any of these campaigns you will receive communications via our PIPES e-letter.
Partner with us through giving
There are multiple ways you can partner with us financially:
1. The simplest way is just to click on this link to make your donation online through GiveNow. You will receive a 100% tax deductibility receipt via Australian Christian Media.
2. You can also receive 100% tax deductibility on donations by bank transfer through Australian Christian Media. Their bank account is: Christian Cultural Arts Trust BSB 083166 Account No. 529939202 Please write “For PIPES”.
3. You can donate by direct deposit to Partners in Prayer & Evangelism BSB 013403 Account No. 222372221. Donations to PIPES are not tax deductible.
4. Donate by Paypal. In the section called: Add special instructions to recipient please write 'PIPES.' These donations to PIPES via Paypal are not tax deductible.
5. If you prefer to send a cheque please contact Donations to PIPES by cheque are not tax deductible.
Thank you for partnering with us in prayer & evangelism.
Pray for the Nations is a tool hosted by Partners in Prayer & Evangelism
Together we will help equip the Australian church to:
- Worship God together – bringing him due glory.
- Be filled with the Holy Spirit’s power to be witnesses.
- Pray for Australians to hear and receive the full gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Release many, especially young people to tell their story of Jesus and His good news.
- Reach Australians with video presentation of testimonies & the gospel of Jesus.
We’re praying and believing that many will make a commitment to follow Jesus.
Thank you partnering in this,
May God’s blessing fill and overflow you,
Sue Tinworth & team