24/7 Prayer
24/7 Prayer = Day & Night Continuous Prayer
Why 24/7 Prayer?
Jesus is worthy of our continuous exaltation! We join with heaven and the kingdom of heaven covers us in a canopy that changes the atmosphere in our regions so that people are more open to receive Jesus and collaborate in community transformation - to see Jesus' kingdom come on earth.
Continuous prayer is a calling that requires us to depend on God and each other. It provokes us to unity and to pray in agreement. Day and night prayer is a source and expression of intimacy and dependency on God all through the Bible. Night and day worship is the focus of heaven and our delight. (Revelation 5:12-13)
See the history and powerful impact of 24/7 prayer across the world.
1. 24/7 Prayer & Worship
Prayer is refreshed and sustained when it is saturated with worship – adoration and praise, intimate surrender, listening and communion with God – silent prayer, spoken prayer, create expression, praying in the Spirit, singing in the Spirit, and Bible reading. Worship saturated prayer builds fervency and our capacity to stay in prayer for extended periods. (The Davidic House of Prayer is a perfect example.) It is one fulfilment of the first commandment. Using the PIPES analogy, this type of prayer connects us with God as our source for inflow!
2. 24/7 Prayer for Evangelism
Pray for unreached people around you and the unreached people groups at the end of the earth.
24/7 prayer promotes intimacy with God that convicts us of His love for our neighbours and His desire that none should perish. When we hear the heart of the Lord for eternally perishing people, our focus shifts to prayer for evangelism – prayer for harvest workers, salvations and disciples. We become compelled to arise in maturity as equipped disciple-making saints and share Jesus with those we know and the strangers we meet. This enables us to fulfil the second great commandment - loving our neighbours. We overflow God’s blessings to the people and regions around us – His kingdom come on earth as in heaven. (Luke 10:1-3a) Continuous Prayer Creates Canopies – atmosphere in which the Good News of Jesus is more easily shared and received. Dick Eastman has illustrated the powerful impact of 24/7 prayer on the effectiveness of evangelism.
How Can We Pray 24/7?
24/7 prayer is NOT about filling rosters. It’s simply each of us finding the call of God - our prayer rhythm and pattern, and letting this be our offering to Him. Some of us love the late nights. Some of us get called in the early mornings by the Lord. Some are free through the middle of the day. Come as you are to fulfill the part God call you to. Your continuing personal and group prayer times unite as 24/7 prayer in one House of Prayer for All Nations!
1. Neighbourhood Prayer Partners
Plan now how to meet and gather with other local Christians you can pray with. Find other locals on the Prayerhouse Map! Connect with local churches, life groups, house churches.
Pray for harvest workers in your neighbourhood/region. Pray for your neighbours to be open to receiving Jesus. Pray for Jesus’ kingdom to be manifest in your streets.
- Prayer-walk your neighbourhood to prayer for your neighbours.
- Local House of Prayer: you can gather neighbours to pray for your neighbourhood
- Local Church: Your church could contribute to 24/7 by hosting a regular time of prayer each month. Example: Stairway Church, Vermont, Victoria Australia who host regular times of extended prayer & worship under a NONSTOP banner!
2. Regional Prayer Relays
Local City Prayer Plan: Invite others to pray as one for different parts or aspects of your city or region. We set up reminders on our iphone calendars to pray for the same local municipal city each day of the month. See: Pray for Melbourne’s 31 Local City Prayer Plan.
Regional Collaboration: You can begin simply by inviting local churches to host a collaborative evening, day or weekend of prayer & worship & evangelism. e.g. once a month or every three months. This can be done as a day or a night, 2 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours….
Regional Collaboration can take the form of a prayer chain in which multiple churches and prayer groups host one or two hours - to maintain some days in continuous prayer for an issue during a particular regional crisis. e.g. legislation before Parliament, governmental elections. It could be a united gathering of sustained (12-24-48) hours of prayer & worship with prayer & worship teams from different churches leading two hour slots.
Regional Prayer Canopies: Churches/ groups can organise a regional prayer & worship relay to create 24/7 prayer canopies over their region for short periods e.g. a weekend, a week, month. You can trial this for a few days during the 40 Days or host a regional prayer relay for 40 Days, when you will have national support.
Regional prayer relay can become ongoing: e.g. 31 local churches each hosting 24 hrs once a month can form a regional 24/7 prayer canopy!
Day2Pray: The world has been inspired by this simple pattern which was initiated in Bellingham, Washington State, USA. Dr Jason Hubbard is the founder and leader of the Light of the World Prayer Center in Bellingham. They invite churches to host a Day2Pray once a month every month so 31 churches can cover their region in continuous prayer. See: Light of the World Prayer Center promo video. Across 15 years this has had profound impact on successful evangelism, church growth and measures of societal well-being.
Be Inspired by The Whatcom Story, 2019, 14:33 mins. Bellingham was recently named the top job growth city in America, 5.5% increase! This regional area has really suffered economically after timber milling and other industries ceased.
Regional Canopies are taking off all over the world.
The Day2Pray model initiated in Bellingham has been launched at the state and national levels across USA as America Prays The Assembly of God denomination in America is encouraging all 13,000 churches to commit to a Day2Pray once a month every month
In The Spirit of the Moravians
“Spirit of the Moravians” Vision Teaser on Vimeo
https://vimeo.com › Global Net › Videos
Jun 2, 2017
It's time to tell one of the greatest stories never told! From one small community of 18th century believers ...
Spirit of the Moravians 3-min on Vimeo
https://vimeo.com › Global Net › Videos
Nov 27, 2017
This video is designed to inspire local church's to engage in reaching the unreached, and galvanize for the ...
Spirit of the Moravians Vision Teaser - YouTube
Jul 10, 2017 - Uploaded by World Prayer Centre
It's time to tell one of the greatest stories never told! From one small community of 18th century believers ...
Jan 13, 2014 - Uploaded by Xulon Press
Xulon Press introduces COUNT ZINZENDORF AND THE SPIRIT OF THE MORAVIANS by author Paul Wemmer ...
The Moravians - 100 Year Prayer Meeting - YouTube
Nov 19, 2010 - Uploaded by Consuming Fire Revival Channel
A Prayer for Purity by Nicolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf (1703-1791) O Thou, to whose all-searching sight The ...
Spirit of the Moravians 9-min in Moravian Prayer Movement on Vimeo
https://vimeo.com › Global Net › Videos
Nov 27, 2017
This video is designed to inspire local church's to engage in reaching the unreached, and galvanize for the ...
Spirit of the Moravians 9 min on1080, Mp4 - YouTube
Jan 25, 2018 - Uploaded by Tom Victor
The Moravian story is amazing. It really illustrates the powerful connection between united prayer and global ...